Optiontiger – AdjustMax

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $48.00.

Optiontiger – AdjustMax Original website: https://optiontiger.com/course/adjust-max/ Original price: $297 Content: Full AdjusMax course     Mastering the art of adjustments is key to success with Options. Learn the philosophy and approach to adjusting winners. If there’s one thing that is a barrier to becoming a confident Options expert, it’s mastering the art of adjustments. Regardless of your level, […]


Optiontiger – AdjustMax

Original website: https://optiontiger.com/course/adjust-max/

Original price: $297

Content: Full AdjusMax course



Mastering the art of adjustments is key to success with Options. Learn the philosophy and approach to adjusting winners. If there’s one thing that is a barrier to becoming a confident Options expert, it’s mastering the art of adjustments. Regardless of your level, you will have to ADJUST your Options positions. But there are a hundred different ways to adjust Options, and your objective is to pick one of the TOP 3. This is an art, although there is a science behind it. This 3-step approach to Options adjustment is proprietary to OptionTiger. Adjustments is the key to success with Options. Taking a trade is only half the job. Every trade requires adjustments, winners and losers. Take a systematic 3-tiered approach to Adjustments. Learn to spot the best adjustment for a situation. Analyze the Greeks for impact of your adjustments.

Course Details

  • Learn the philosophy behind Options adjustments with step-by-step approach to mastering art of adjustments
  • When and how to “Roll” your trades and compare different adjustments and pick the best one
  • How to use Risk Graph analysis to simulate adjustments and adjust to maximize winners and neutralize losers
  • Adjustment settings for Indices and Stocks / ETFs
  • Live Trades on Long Calls and Long Puts, Credit and Debit spreads, Calendars, and Iron Condors